桑名の英会話教室「グリーンマウンテン英会話」のマット先生です!Hello Everyone👋 Long time no see. It’s been a busy few months around here at Green Mountain English School. Things are slowing down, so I thought I’d post something new. In America, there are many places like diners to get a nice big breakfast. Some specialties include omelets, hash browns, pancakes, bacon and sausages to name a few. But, here in rural Japan, it’s mostly “モーニング” which is the Japanese version of a simple breakfast. If you’re craving an American style breakfast, please check out Early Birds in the Naka Ward of Nagoya. It’s a little hole in the wall place that serves up a nice western style breakfast. If you’re ever in the area, stop in and give it a try. You won’t be disappointed!
American Breakfast